Monday, October 11, 2010



I am surprised to see no one has wrote about this image. This picture is the most popular slave image that pops up into every image of google. Although slavery occurred many years ago, it is still difficult to comprehend the idea of slave owners whipping humans so hard that the scars become thick and raised from the skin. This picture is disturbing to look at; I know this picture is real, but I don't feel a connection with this photo because it's just too unbearable. Slave masters whipped slaves until the blood would drain from their backs and create a puddle on the ground. Reading about the whippings in Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs's narratives creates an image in my head of what the slaves looked like after and this is far worse than what I picture in my head. It is hard for me to picture something so horrible because my mind does not want to believe it. A common whip that was used during this time period was the Kurt. The kurt was a stout whip with a long handle that had about five dangling wide lashes. How is it possible for humans to even think of a tool like this to use on other humans?

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