Sunday, December 5, 2010

To Kill a Mockingbird

This is a still frame from the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, of a court scene where the man pictured Atticus Finch is defending an African American –Tom Robinson who was being convicted of rape. This is a great movie in the sense that is really shows people the intensity of how blacks were treated in this time period. Tom Robinson, who was being convicted of raping a white woman and was completely innocent this film shows that it was completely a white mans word over an African American mans word. Throughout the case people are coming up to the stand to try and pin the crime on Robinson when in reality Robinson was simply trying to help the woman do house chores. Atticus Finch was the only white man in his town who was willing to come to Tom’s defense and because of this he was shunned by fellow whites in his town however he was able to see past the color of Tom’s skin and was willing to teach his children the importance of not treating others differently based on their color of their skin. This was a bold move of Atticus, most men in this time would never consider to come to the defense of an African American. Atticus showed others in this town how to work past the race issue. Because Atticus was willing to support Tom in this case he received the respect from so many African Americans. I think the movie was a great demonstration of how people need to look past color and be willing to help those who are in need, no matter if they are white or black. 

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