Monday, November 15, 2010

Booker T. Washington

    This is a photo of Booker T. Washington giving a speech to a group of people. I thought it would be interesting to see a picture of the man who we just read a book about in action. As we were told in the book Washington traveled all over the United States in order to give speeches to gain funding for the Tuskegee Institution. We have a pretty solid idea of what went on at one of his speeches, where he would explain to others the importance of education. This picture is a clear example of how many people looked up to Washington. There are many African Americans in this picture and you see people smiling and laughing. Everyone seems to be enjoying the speech Washington is giving, it seems as if Washington liked to joke around with people based off the reaction of some of the men pictured. This picture reminds me of a picture you would see of Martin Luther King Jr. giving to Americans during his time. Everyone is focused and listening to what Washington is saying. It is as if Booker T. Washington was the man before MLK. He helped motivate African American’s as well as telling white’s the importance of helping African Americans make a living for themselves. All of Washington’s hard work to get the school running paid off considering the school is still open today and that he was able to help many people receive the education he saw fit for the time being.

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